Healthy Blood
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The Writers

Welcome to our space! we are, 19. A full time students. This blog is based in Malaysia. We blog in English. This blog has been created in order to fulfill the requirement of the Haemapoeitic and Lyphoid System subject.

Lets test Your Knowledge :D


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These are a few question that related to the topic - Blood Component

  • 1. 
    The component of blood shown here are the:
    • A. 
      Red blood cells
    • B. 
      White blood cells
    • C. 
    • D. 
  • 2. 
    The ______________ help form blood clots when you have injured a blood vessel.
    • A. 
    • B. 
    • C. 
      Red blood cells
    • D. 
      White blood cells
  • 3. 
    Which component of blood helps fight against viruses and bacteria?
    • A. 
      Red blood cells
    • B. 
      White blood cells
    • C. 
    • D. 
  • 4. 
    What would most likely happen if your body was unable to produce red blood cells?
    • A. 
      Injuries might not heal properly
    • B. 
      You would have a vitamin deficiency
    • C. 
      You would have uncontrolled bleeding
    • D. 
      You would have low energy due to a lack of oxygen
  • 5. 
    What would most likely happen if your body was unable to produce platelets?
    • A. 
      Injuries might not heal properly
    • B. 
      You would have a vitamin deficiency
    • C. 
      You would have uncontrolled bleeding
    • D. 
      You would have low energy due to a lack of oxygen

6. Name the cells in these peripheral blood smear.
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Its video time !


This is the video about - Haemoglobin

This is the video about - Haemostasis ( Coagulation and Fibrinolysis )

This is the video about - Excessive Iron in the body

This is the video about - Haemoglobin Catabolism

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About Us :)


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First of all, we are the students from Management and Science University would like to highlight that we are creating this blog to create awareness to public about the importance of having healthy blood to our life.
This blog is conduct by 11 master minds who are currently taking Bachelor in Medical Science.

We also hoping that the readers can increase the knowledge about healthy blood and how it effects the physical performance, mental health and beauty as well 😊🙂



Subject : Haemapoietic and Lymphoid System - QAP 20103

The objectives of this group 

: To create new medium for studying instead of reading a book
: To enhance our knowledge about the Haemopoietic
: To spread info to community about health component

We are consist of 11 members

Nor Misbah binti Osman 

Nurazlin Amira binti Mohd Amin

Siti Nur Azlina binti Aziz

Sa'udah Badriah binti Mohd Sani


Izzati Kausar binti Azman

Nurizati binti Mat Ghani

Muhamad Zarif bin Ahmad Fadzil

Nazifi binti Yunus

Khairunnisa binti Mohd Izham

Siti Nurkhaulah Binti Jamaluddin

Nasyiatus Sobah binti Mohd Ariff

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We have come to the conclusion of this blog and we want to thank all of you guys who read, support and comment on our work.

So, in the nutshell, we have learnt that blood is an important component in our body. It has a lot of functions like transport gases, nutrients, hormone and waste throughout our body. Everyone might think this is a simple work but without it, human beings can die because as special as God created us, our cells (human body is made out of cells) need nutrients, oxygen and waste product needs to be excreted out from our body. But how? And what does those things? The component that plays the role to keep our cells alive and regulate our homeostasis is our blood. The information and knowledge that we shared to you all is how your blood functions, works, how it is produced and what actually made up your blood.As we all know, that blood is red in color and what makes it red? What other substances contained in blood? All these questions are already answered by us through this blog and i would say the work of art.
We, the creators of this blog are very grateful to all the reader who are willing to seek knowledge through us and we will work hard to increase our wisdom and hopefully could share it with all of you in the future. If you have any question, do feel to contact us. Thank you!
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Haemostasis ( Coagulation and Fibrinolysis )

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Hi and Assalamualaikum 😊

Today we would like to share with you about Blood Hemostasis!Do you know what means by haemostasis? Is it haemostasis has same meaning with homeostasis?😏Haemostasis is defined as stopping of bleeding from the blood vessels. However, homeostasis is defined  as the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements of the human body.    


  • Vasoconstriction
  • Activation of platelets 
  • Formation of a blood clot


A blood vessel is injured

The walls of the blood vessel contract to limit the flow of blood to the damaged area

Small blood cells called platelets stick to the site of injury and spread along the surface of the blood vessel to stop the bleeding.chemical signals are released from small sacs inside the platelets that attract other cells to the area and make them clump together to form what is called a platelet plug.

On the surface of these activated platelets, many different clotting factors work together in a series of complex chemical reactions (known as the coagulation cascade) to form a fibrin clot. The clot acts like a mesh to stop the bleeding.

Blood Clotting Summary

A prothrombin activator converts prothrombin into thrombin. Thrombin is an enzyme that converts fibrinogen into fibrin. Prothrombin and fibrinogen are proteins that are always present in our blood.


The coagulation cascade is classified into three pathways the extrinsic pathway, the intrinsic pathway, and the common pathway.

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Destruction of red blood cell

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Hellooo everybody! Againn we are back here to tell you a new knowledge hehe. Opppps ✋🏻 hold on, dont close your eyes ! Haha im really sure that this post gonna be very fun :) 

Most of us know that red blood cell is keeping produced several times in a year. Lets take a moment if the red blood cell keep producing, does our body have enough space to keep them ? If all the red blood cell keep producing without die, will it lead to high blood pressure ? Haaaaaaaaa ?! Hahahahaha kk dont panic. Act our red blood cell also undergoes the catabolism process. Oh yaa, catabolism means break down so this mean THE RED BLOOD CELL ALSO UNDERGOES DESTRUCTION. Hahahah do i look serious when i used the Caps Lock? Haha so lets proceed on how the blood had been destructed hehehe 😈
Image result for destruction of red blood cell

You can refer this diagram in order to make you understand more :) 

First step : 

Our blood will be breakdown every 120 days which means every 5 months wow 😮 So every 120 days, red blood cell will die and is phagocyte by the macrophages on ♥️(liver), spleen or 🍖(bone marrow) hehe looks delicious ! Once the red blood cell undergoes phagocytosis, it will be breakdown into 2 parts. Who know what is that 2 parts ? Haha they are heme and globin :)

Second step :

The globin is then converted or is broken down  into amino acid which will be further reuse for protein synthesis haha understand right guys ? *nod. Wahhh good girl/boy ☺️

Third step :

How about the heme ? 🧐 Heme is breakdown into the iron and is then carry by the transferrin to be stored into the ferritin which situated in the liver ️ . Just imagine that the transferrin is the bus , who will fetch the iron to the ferritin in the liver haha easy right ? :) haaaa the iron that had been stored in the liver cam be used again ! The transferrin will carry them to the bone marrow for the production of red blood cell again. The iron + globin + vitamin b12 + erythropoietin = red blood cell 💉 

Fourth step :

The heme can be converted into bilirubin and used to make bile in the liver. There is a lotttttt of bacteria in our large intestine. What they do there ? Ahaaaa they actually make a few action on the bilirubin. They converted bilirubin into urobilinogen. The urobilinogen will travel to the kidney and converted into urobilin which then will be excreted in a form of urine. Byebye urobilin :'( 

Fifth step :
Our urobilinogen also can be converted intoooooooooooooo stercobilin which is brown in color hehe can you guess what is actually a stercobilin ? Its actually a feaces 💩 which will be defecated soon. Byebye too stercobilin :')

Wahhhh we had completed this session. Hey guys, its eazyyyy right ? Hahahaha till we meet next time guys. OnOn hehe 


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Haemoglobin Synthesis

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Haemoglobin Synthesis

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you- Zig Ziglar

Hello fellas ! Let's learn something new today. I guess you all already knew what i am going to tell you guys... Yeahhh, you read the headline already, but i bet you guys do not know what is the content isn't? I knew its going to be so bored(*cries)  but well the world belongs to those who reading. Grab all the knowledge because knowledge is the life of mind. Happy reading and do drop your comments below for any question regarding the topic 😉

So, here we go. Haemoglobin synthesis or in other word how haemoglobin is being made?
Actually, 65% of haemoglobin is produced in the erythroblast and 35% at the reticulocytes stage. Both erythroblast and the reticulocytes is an unmature form of our red blood cell. As i said in the previous post, the hemoglobin composed of globin part and also the haem part. The haem part is synthesis mostly in the mitochondria while the globin part is synthesis in the polyribosomes.

So, let's explore the world of haemoglobin~

Shall we start with the production of HAEM?
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  1. First of all, the synthesis of haemoglobin required an iron. The iron that had been stored in the storage site such as liver will be transported out to the eryhtroblast by the transferrin-transferrin is a transporter protein that carry the iron. 
  2. Then, the transferrin will enter the eryhtroblast and released the iron into the cytosol of the cell.
  3. The free transferrin will be secreted out to transport another iron and the recycle rotate.
  4. When the amount of iron in the erythroblast is high, the iron will be stored in the ferritin, while when the amount of iron in the cell is decrease, ferritin will released the iron into the cytoplasm-ferritin is a temporary storage for iron.
  5. The iron then will enter the mitochondria.
  6. In mitochondria, glycine ans the succinyl coenzyme A will undergo condensation process with the help of vitamin B₆ as the coenzyme forming δ-ALA.
  7. In cytoplasm, the δ-ALA will be condensed to form uroporphyrinogen that then will undergo condensation forming coproporphyrinogen.
  8. The coproporphyrinogen then reenter the mitochondria and change to the protoporphyrin.
  9. This protoporphyrin will bind with the iron producing the  4 molecules of HAEM.

Let's continue with the production of GLOBIN.

  1. First, the free amino acid in the erythroblast will be translated by the ribosomes forming 𝛂 and 𝛃 chain that then will form 𝛂₂𝛃₂ globin.
  2. These 𝛂₂𝛃₂ globin will bind with haem molecules producing HAEMOGLOBIN. Finally...!! yeayhhhhhh.

But, honestly guys, i don't think that you understand what i am babbling about. Bahahaha how sad do i sound(*cries). So, I attach the image related to haemoglobin synthesis to help you to have a better understanding.

I really thank God for this really complicated process yet perfectly create that absolutely beyond our imagination and limitation. Without this haemoglobin in our red blood cells, i can't imagine how disaster it will be. So, let's thankful for this blessing fellas !

If you finish your reading till here, i would say congratulation buddies !!! Hope you enjoy the reading(hope so...maybe) and gain some knowledge from it. Once again, do drop your comments about this entry or maybe some kind of question(if you have one) due to this topic. 
See you soon peeps. Blessed.

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All About Haemoglobin


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Wishing you all a good day filled with shines and sparkles everyday. Focus on creating happiness you are able to create, and removing all the misery you are able to remove. Blessed day fellas ! 😊

Let's have some fun exploring ourselves, shall we?

Today we are going to introduce to you another greatness of our magical fluid in our body which is '' B.L.O.O.D''. As we all known the blood contain red blood cell that function to carry the oxygen to the tissues and to return the carbon dioxide from tissues to the lung.
Have you guys ever wondered how this red blood cell work on this function amazingly? Have you ever think that what are the component of this little creation have to perform its function? 

Amazingly, in order to achieve this gaseous exchange the red blood cells contain the specialized protein HAEMOGLOBIN. But, what and how is it actually haemoglobin mean to us?

Well... this is some background of haemoglobin.

The haemoglobin is actually a red globular protein, which have a molecular weight of about 68,000 and comprise almost one third of the weight of a red blood cell. The haemoglobin is actually composed of haem and globin.
Did you know ? Each of the red blood cell contains approximately 640 million haemoglobin molecules😮 Such an incredible and extraordinary ! 
So, below is the structure of the adult haemoglobin(Hb-A) consist of 4 polypeptide chain, each with own haem group.

But.... How is it actually this haemoglobin being synthesis? Who and where this haemoglobin being made? To know more about this ? Stay tune and we would be back with a bang in our next update ! Till then, sayonaraaa~
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